“All the believers were of one heart and one soul, and they felt that all that they had was not their own, so they shared everything they had.” Acts 4:32

Who we are


One City Church is a community that exists to help reach, teach and guide people to draw closer to God by Practicing the Way of Jesus. God is always moving towards our human hearts and in our brokenness we have a difficult time accepting and trusting in the Love that He as a Father offers us. As a community we want to use spiritual practices to help us learn to trust in the Fathers love so that we can be the people He created us to be. Our church exists to make a difference in this world, starting in our homes, with our families as we experience and grow closer to God, we will be filled by His Spirit, and His Presence will over flow into the world, fulfilling the Great Commission.

A Life of Prayer |

Prayer is at the essence of our relationship to Jesus. All through scriptures we see how in prayer we commune with God, attune to the Holy Spirit and grow in our relationship with Jesus. Prayer moves us from just being aware of God’s presence to Living in His presence. It’s the invitation to be in union with the Father in and through prayer, its about journeying, and praying without ceasing. Its about the soul to soul union and oneness with Jesus. 


Truth |

We will be bible based, teaching from the Bible and learning how to use the bible for transformation of our souls through the narrative of story. God’s story of redemption and life change. 

Spirit Filled |

The Holy Spirit has always played a role bigger than most us believe and or understand. We see it in the beginning of creation, to the creation of Jesus as well as Jesus letting us know about the Holy Spirit. It was Gods spirit that hovered over the earth Genesis 1 (and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters) To the Holy Spirit creating Jesus in the womb of Mary (Matthew 1: 18  “she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit”), to Jesus teaching us about the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives (John 14: 16-17 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth.)

The Holy Spirit takes an essential part in our formation, and in our apprenticeship to Jesus. As Disciples the Holy Spirit needs to be at the essence of our formation and apprenticeship to Jesus. 

Community around a Dinner Table |

Family/Community will be cultivated mid-week around a dinner table. We will gather mid-week around a dinner table to break bread, and share in communion with one another. Meeting each other and celebrating life over a meal. Followed by “What is Jesus doing in your life?” this question sets Jesus at the forefront of our conversations. Making it clear that God is always present and interacting in our lives. What we share is a window to your soul and can help others contextualize what Jesus might be doing in our lives as well. 

We experience Jesus through each other, by meeting weekly and sharing a meal. 

At the heart of the gospel is hospitality. “We are the light of the world, a town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” Matthew 5:14 We will open up our homes and bless people with the gift of hospitality. Our homes will be refuges, safe havens, a home for people to receive. Receive whatever God has for them, healing, rest, family.